A well, a lady, Jesus and a Solution

A wellMany times I read the story of the Lady at the well in John 4. I love how Jesus brought change to that lady. He did everything needed to get her attention and to help her find freedom.

The first thing he does he talks to her. Jesus broke the boundary of talking to a woman and then also a Samaritan one. Both of them were looked down on in that society Jesus lived in, a Jew would never talk to a Samaritan and especially if she was a woman. But Jesus didn’t care about culture, he cared about the person.
Second he talks to her about a solution, a way to freedom. He tells her about the living water He has that can set her free from a inner thirst for more. Jesus is first giving a solution before he addresses the problem.
Third he calls out her problem. Jesus talks to her about her husbands. From the beginning to the end of that conversation Jesus always showed love but also addressed the area in her life that has to be dealt with
Fourth He reveals himself. Jesus tells the lady that he is the Savior she is waiting for. That causes the lady to run back to the town, share her testimony about Jesus and cause through that an excitement in the town that the whole town came along. That day salvation started for many people in that region. And why? Because Jesus put value on one person that nobody valued.

So when we look at that story we see how Jesus brought people into the Kingdom. It was mainly through love and caring for someone in a powerful way. He didn’t judge, but shared the truth. He didn’t create fear, but instead gave a solution. He didn’t care about his status, instead he choose to love no matter what.

I want to encourage each one of us to share the good news about Jesus with people but to do it in a way that people can understand and also see that he is really the best thing that can happen to them!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. Jen and I both got better from a pretty bad cold we caught. We also had a meeting with all the bay area works. It was good to see everyone and hear what God has been doing in all the different places. Our DTS Students are doing well in North beach and have a wonderful time at the boys and girls club. Keep praying for them to be able to encourage many of the kids at the Club!

Lets ask God this week to open the door for us to share the good news with someone in our lives!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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