A journey through the bible The Gospel of Matthew

The bible is such an exciting book but many don’t get to actually read it. That is why we decided to give you twice a month a short intro into a book in the old and a book in the new testament. We will share with you some inside into the book and then some things that stuck out to us. Then its your job to read the book and let God speak to you through it. May you get encouraged through the bible. Today we start this journey with the gospel of Matthew.

Hi our friend

How was your week?

2021 just started and God is already opening doors. During this week God opened the door to teach university students on how to love their neighbor and we prepared a video message for a church in Germany. Later in the month we are invited to share with different Pastors and ministry leaders and in February again another sharing in Germany. And then we have our second love your neighbor workshop coming up February 6th (if you would like to know more about that email us).  Its amazing to see how God keeps opening more and more doors to inspire people all over. We also got to connect with someone who grew up in our neighborhood a long time ago and he could share with us how it looked like then. Keep praying with us in this season that many more will be inspired to love their neighbors and that through that we will see healing,  stronger communities and more people knowing Jesus and his love for them.

Also dont forget to read this week through the book of Matthew and be encouraged and inspired!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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