A journey through the bible The Gospel of Mark

The bible is such an exciting book but many don’t get to actually read it. That is why we decided to give you twice a month a short intro into a book in the old and a book in the new testament. We will share with you some inside into the book and then some things that stuck out to us. Then its your job to read the book and let God speak to you through it. May you get encouraged through the bible. Today we are looking at the gospel of Mark!

Hi our friend

How was your week?

We felt so loved this week by our church family who had a virtual baby shower for us. It was so much fun!! Our speaking also went well this week to a group of Pastors and ministry leaders. We also learned a lot from one of the Pastors that will help us with the bigger picture. Outside of that we got to connect with our neighbors through phone, zoom or seeing them in the morning while running. How are you staying coonected with your neighbors in this season?

Read this week through the book of Mark and be encouraged and inspired!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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