A journey through the bible the books of Peter

The 2 letters of Peter, the friend of Jesus, are wonderfully encouraging and challenging. Might this Intro video excite you for the book!

Hi our friend

How was your week?

Spending time outside is not just good for your health its also a wonderful way to connect with neighbors in your neighborhood. Jen is going out with Caleb and through that connects with many Moms and nanny’s on a daily basis. After I wake up I usually walk a few laps around our block and get to connect with many of our neighbors that are either walking their dogs, are on the way to work or exercise. It’s a very simple way to connect and get to know our neighbors. Start this week to get out of your home and say hello to the ones you meet outside on your street!!

Also, be encouraged by the book of Peter and learn through his 2 letters!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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