240 miles on a lawn mower

240 miles on a lawn mowerA little while ago Jen and I watched the movie The straight story. It is a true story about a man who could only walk with his canes and then rode his lawn mower for 240 miles to reconcile with his brother after he found out his brother had a stroke. Along the way he is able to encourage and bring hope to people. Here are 2 things I took away from this film:

  1. This man was not able to get a drivers license because of his eyesight. But it didn’t stop him from doing the right thing even if it looked crazy or impossible. He took what he had and used it. I believe that this is something so important to remember. We don’t always have the perfect lineup for things, but that doesn’t mean we should give up. We need to find the way in the impossible.  If God called you to do something he will make a way. Its really important to think outside the box and in that not to worry what others might think about us when we do that.
  2. When he arrives at his brothers’ house after 6 weeks of riding his lawn mower his brother asks him, did you come here driving on this lawn mower? When he said he did his brother has a tear in his eye. It speaks volumes when he did the impossible just to come and see his brother. He didn’t even have to say a word, his brother knew that he truly cared about him and how important the relationship was to him. Its amazing when people see how much we care by our actions. Its often not the words, but many times it is the action that speaks so much louder. It reminds me of Jesus and how he went into the houses of people that were looked down on, not caring about his own image. Just imagine what volumes that spoke to the people he visited.

We want to encourage you and us to live our lives were we make the impossible possible with God. Live a life where we find a way where there is no way. We want to be people of action and of words that follow action.

Let us ask ourselves those questions:

  1. What is holding us back from taking action?
  2. Ask God to help you in that area to move forward and not to give up.
  3. Ask God where you are supposed “to ride your lawn mower to”!


Hey our friend

We hope you had a fantastic week!! This will be our last week in Germany. Please pray for a good start back to life in San Francisco! Thank you so much!!

Don’t forget the lawn mower and to take action this week!!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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