Daily Archives: Monday July 22nd, 2024

Redemption part 35: Cities and Detours

Today we talk about cities and detours. You can read this part of the story in Acts 21.26-23.31 Be encouraged and inspired

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

Last Saturday we were able to be at the house of prayer. A while ago a couple felt led from God to start a prayer house in San Francisco. The prayer times are at different locations in the city like at a gym or at different churches. For the prayer times believers from different churches and ministries come together to pray for the city and spend time in Gods presence. It is so encouraging and powerful to do that together. I don’t know if you have something like this in your area but if you do we want to encourage you to go and join. If not maybe God is calling you to start something similar like that.

Also don’t forget to ask yourself those questions from the video: Is God calling you to the city to bring his love? Are we willing to lay down our own way to follow Gods way to get to the place he called us to and are we keeping our eyes on him when the enemy tries to derail us?

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb