Daily Archives: Monday March 27th, 2023

Stories to think about – Habakkuk’s time with God

Our story today is about Habakkuk and his time with God that changed him. Be challenged and encouraged by him!

Hi our friend

How are you?

We had a wonderful week!! Our new schedule enabled us to have more times of prayer as well as being able to connect with people more spontaniously. It is wonderful. It takes some adjustment and planning to do all the office work in a bit less then 1 day but God is helping us in that. If God is calling you into something new he will help you along the way, you don’t have to do it on your own. God makes a way were it seems impossible (remember Moses and the red sea).

Also dont forget to spend time with God to get his perspective and his true heart on things!! You will be blessed!

God bless you

Markus and Jen