Daily Archives: Monday October 17th, 2022

A journey through the bible the book of Ezekiel

We are back at a prophet and this time its Ezekiel. May this book of a different kind of prophet inspire you and speak to you when you read through it.

Hi our friend

How are you?

The fall arrived in San Francisco and you notice how the its getting colder as soon as the sun isn’t out. But even with that colder weather we were able to connect with others in the park. All you need to do is bundle up a bit more. The same is true when I go on prayer walks. Just because the weather gets colder doesn’t mean we shouldn’t connect or pray for our community. We want to encourage you this week to spend some time walking around your neighborhood and pray for it.

Along with reading the book of Ezekiel on our bible journey ask yourself: Over which areas of your life do you have to speak new life how God asked Ezekiel to do over the bones in the valley of dry bones?  Let God refresh your life with new life!

Have a blessed week!

Markus and Jen