Daily Archives: Monday March 19th, 2018

Belong before belief

Belong before beliefSo this week we have a video blog for you about the topic belong before belief. We hope it inspires you!

Hey our friend

How was your week? We hope great! Ours was just ok since Jen got sick again with another cold and by the end of the week I got sick as well. This winter it has been bad here for many people with getting sick over and over again. Please keep us and our neighbors in your prayers for quick recovery! We also watched a little dog for neighbor friends while they were gone. It was amazing to see how it opened doors for conversation.

During the week I had a board meeting and we had the last led prayer walk of our students. They all did a great job! Like I mentioned last week the skater school is graduating. Pray for them for their time after that each of them get plugged in well and keeps growing in their faith. I also had a board meeting which was a good time. Thanks for being part of our team!

Make sure this week to love on a few of your neighbors and think about how neighbors can belong more into your life!

God bless you

Markus and Jen