Monthly Archives: August 2013

What big trees can teach us

Hey our friend

We hope you had a week that was as good as the week that we had. We had our yearly YWAM Staff retreat with the theme of Isaiah 37.31 take root downward and bring fruit upward. It was all about how to deepen our relationship with God and get more rooted in him. And then work out of that perspective in our ministries and see fruit come out of that. Here is a link to the photo album from the retreat.

We also have a few prayer requests that you can join us in praying. Please keep praying for salvation for the people we work with here in North Beach. Please also pray for a friend who lost his dad, pray for comfort over him and his family. Also pray for the family of another friend who lost their sister in law. They have 2 daughters who are in desperate need of prayer since they just start high school and are in the middle of grieving for there mother.

What big trees can teach us

By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another John 13:35

redwoodA few weeks ago we were at a wedding and the Pastor was giving this illustration of Redwood trees. Redwood trees are really tall but there root system is not going down very deep, but instead there roots are going really wide. But how do they hold up against storms? There roots are connected with other Redwood trees around them and through that they have an immense strength to withstand against any weather attack.  When we look at the example of Redwood trees we see something that is significant for us as Christians and for us as churches. We are not called to stand alone; we are called to stand together. When we do that we are way stronger.  Just think about this, all churches and Christians start standing with each other instead of against each other, what impact would that make in this world? If one church or Christian is hurting and everyone is taking care of them, what would that do? I believe it would change the perspective of the world about Christians. Jesus shares about that in the verse I put at the beginning of this blog. Jesus gave us the tools to change the world. Instead of fighting each other over disagreements, let’s work together in the things we agree on. Let’s live the things Jesus taught us and through that see a strengthening in His church which will lead to a weakening of Satans influence. Lets work together as His Church!!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

Love changes Perspective and helps to overcome

Hey our friend

San FranWe hope you had a really blessed week. Today I have a special prayer request for you. One of the first friends we made in the neighborhood has cancer and it seems that he has only a few more months to live. Please join us in Prayer that he will accept Jesus in the time he has left. We saw great things happen in his life over the last few years so keep praying that God will help Him in making this life changing decision. In 3 weeks we will leave for Germany to meet up with family, friends and supporters. Pray for a fruitful time over there while sharing and reconnecting and also that we get all the needed preparation done before we leave. Also pray for good connections for Jen since it will be the first time for her being in Germany.

This week we will have a staff training week with all the YWAM San Francisco Staff. Pray for good learning and fun together.

 Love changes Perspective and helps to overcome

Over the last 10 years being in ministry I saw this statement being true many times. Many times I worked with people and have had a hard time understanding why they would not change. Many times they kept making the same bad decisions over and over again. That was a pattern that kept happening over and over again. In those times I asked God for more of his love for the situation as well as the people. After I did that I got a deeper understanding and through that a love for them. Most of the time the situations didn’t change right away, but I was encouraged to stay on track and not give up on them. I just loved on them despite their circumstance. Because of doing that I experienced many changes in people’s lives and after a while saw them overcome whatever was holding them back from changing.  Again it is not easy and it is a love that you have to ask God for on a daily basis, but it is worth it. The second thing it does, it builds community. If you truly love on people they are close to your heart and you care about them. That’s a reason why you want to spend time with them. Through spending time with them and having them being a part of your life you are inviting them into your community. Through that, you will see more of a long-term change. Many people fall back into whatever their stronghold was if they don’t have a loving and supporting community around them. We are not made to be alone, we are all made for relationship. And out of a loving relationship we are growing because we have others look into our life and help us to see the blind spots and help us to break free from them. If you have a hard time reaching out to people and find people to love, read again over our 10 week series how to make true friends and change the world. Make it one of your goals for this month to find someone to love on and help them to grow through that.

Have a blessed week and know that you are loved and show it to someone else.

Markus and Jen

Change your mindset and thinking

Hey our friend

First of all remember today that you are amazing and loved!! And if you don’t believe that we want you to watch this video. Its really important to know this truth to understand Gods heart.

2013-08-10 18.39.33We had a great week here in San Francisco. All ministries we did were moving forward and we were able to see God at work. It is awesome to be a part of the things he is doing in San Francisco. 2 of our good friends got married last weekend, which was a wonderful time. And then we had a friend come visit for a day from Germany.

Next week we will have a staff teaching week ending with a retreat for all the YWAM San Francisco and Bay Area Staff. Pray that God will speak to each of us individually as well as all of us together as a team.

Change your thinking

During our coffee shop bible study I noticed a guy across from us. I found out that he helped the bible study attendant with some errands during the day. After talking to him for a while I noticed how he looked like as if he is in a lot of pain. He told me that he got hurt in a bicycle accident a long time ago and since then has problems with his shoulder and neck. I asked him if I can pray for him and he let me. After I prayed I asked if something changed. He told me that the pain went down by 50%. So I prayed again and asked him again and he told me that the pain went down to 20% of his original pain. I saw on his face how impacted he was that Jesus started to heal him.

I’m sharing this story with you to challenge you in your thinking. If we have a mindset of God that he did miracles in the bible but not today, we will not go up to people and pray for healing with faith that God will actually heal them. But if we believe that God is still at work today in every area of life we need to change our availability. I could have missed that moment and just focused on the bible study but this man would have missed out on God touching his life. The great thing was that it actually impacted the man in the bible study as well. I want to challenge all of us to be always ready for God to move and give us a new task. I know that it is easier to believe in a God that is not at work in those areas then at one who is, because it requires action on our part. But this world is in desperate need for answers and help, and God has the answers and wants to give it to them. Let us be good messengers and bring all of what Jesus was speaking about into this world! Lets change our thinking and trust a God that makes the impossible possible today!!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

Are you hungry

 Hello friend

We had a wonderful week here in North Beach. We finished our work with the Elderly place for the summer since they have a break till September. Also our wonderful interns are leaving this week. They did such a great job with all areas they were involved in. Please pray for their transition back into school and job search.  We also were able to connect more with the community through joining a monthly lunch at a place in the Neighborhood. It’s awesome how God uses opportunities like that.

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Are you hungry

I think all of us are hungry for something. When you are hungry for food and ate a good portion you will be satisfied and probably don’t want any food for a while. At least that is the case for me. But that is different with God. When I spend time with Him either praying, worshipping or just sitting with Him, I feel filled but on the other side I am hungry for more.  Another interesting thing about hunger is our focus. When we are hungry all our focus is geared towards what we are hungry for. Its hard to focus on something else or think clear when we have a real hunger. And that is the kind of hunger we need for God. One way to get that hunger is to keep filling ourselves on what he is doing today (testimonies) and put our focus and time on Him. When you focus on something or someone, it is hard to take your eyes off of that. That is the same with God. If we spend as much time with God as we spend on other important things in our life, we will grow closer to Him and we get hungry for getting to know Him more and see more of Him in this world today and become more of a light in this world.

Think about how can become more hungry for Him personally.

God bless

Markus and Jen