Tag Archives: Beziehung

What is the Enemy really after Part 1

What is the Devil really after

Question markMany times I got words of encouragement as well as prophetic words from people about the significance of the ministry we are doing and teach to others. One morning I woke up and started to totally understand why. Let me start this week to go through some situations in the bible to explain.

When God created us, He created us for relationship with Him and other people. When the devil came to Adam and Eve and tempted them with the fruit, what was his intend? He wanted Adam and Eve to be removed from the garden, but way more important, he wanted to put a crack into the relationship between them and also between them and God. Then the next one is Cain and Abel. Cain kills Abel cause of jealousy. He was jealous that his brother seemed to have a better relationship with God and instead of working on his, he rather kills his brothers and destroys it. What does Cain say in the moment when God asked him where his brother is, am I my brother’s keeper? Let’s go further to the Tower of Babel. The enemy encourages people to strive for the same as he wanted, to be God. So they build a tower to heaven to show that they are greater than God. They don’t remember that God gave them everything and loves them so much, no but they want to overpower Him and be greater. God stops it and I’m sure he was sad about how he had to do it, he gave each of them a different language, which makes relationship even harder. If you can’t understand each other how can you have a great relationship.

Another example is David. David commits adultery with the wife of one of his soldiers. That day 3 things happen. He breaks the marriage to his wife, as well as the marriage of the soldier. He also brings a crack into the relationship between him and God. David tries now to fix things but his fixing doesn’t work and 2 people have to die, the husband of the woman he slept with and her child that was conceived through that situation. But after the prophet came to him, he repents with all his heart to fix the crack in his relationship with God. I believe that repenting heart was the reason God called him a man after his own heart.

But now let’s go to the new testament. Let’s look at Judas. He was a great friend and disciple of Jesus. He walked with Him during pretty much his whole ministry time on earth. But then the enemy tempted him with money and he accepted and he betrayed Jesus. Of course this created a big crack in their relationship. Later on, in the Apostles ,often the enemy attacks relationship through different theology and that kept going pretty much till today. He uses something that can be good and drives it between us to destroy our relationships. Now these were some examples from different stories in the bible, but I think every story of sin in the bible is going against relationship.

Read the Stories I described on the top and get your own picture of the importance of relationship. With the next Blog I will talk more on how relationships got attacked in the last 200 years and what we can actively do!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a great week. Sadly I (Markus) caught a cold and was sick in bed for a few days. The great thing was that it wasn’t on super busy days! Please pray with us for the work since we are working on a restructuring in one of the areas. Thank you so much for your Prayers.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen