Stories to think about – Moses strength together

Our story today is about Mose and how he found extra strength with the help of others. Be encouraged!

Hi our friend

How are you?

Between Prayer meetings, board meetings on top of all the usual weekly stuff it ended up being a busy week. We loved it but were both a bit surprised how quick the week went by. This season is exciting for us on so many levels. We got more and more open doors to inspire people to love their neighbors and also to guide them on the how. Then we are getting ready for our baby son who will arrive around April 3rd. With all that excitement and wonderful things happening its even more important to get Gods guidance in how to maneuver everything. Like with Mose we just have to ask for help!! Lets all learn that in this season from Moses that its ok to ask for help especially as a leader!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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