Start your day right go on a date with God Part 1

Hey our friend

CrossWe hope you had a great week. After the retreat we came back to San Francisco refreshed and ready to go back out and share the good news of our loving father. We are also getting ready for our time in Germany. Please pray for this time that God will really encourage and challenge people to totally step into the calling He has for them. Thank you for your Prayers.

Start your day right, go on a daily date with God Part 1

Many times I heard the question how do you spend a time with God. We want to share with you about that over the next few weeks.

First of all dedicate a time for it. Don’t just use it as a time filler, because your day will fill up quickly and many times your time with Jesus will be the first thing that will go. So make a time in your day and make it a priority. You would not cancel a date with your wife/ husband/ girlfriend or boyfriend easily so make those dates priority as well. For us it’s the best in the morning before we start our day.

Start by thanking God for things He did in your life. Start with little things, like a bed to sleep in, food etc and then look at other things He did. That will change your perspective from an attitude of lack to an attitude of thankfulness. Another thing that will change your perspective is to worship Him. When you do that you take your focus of yourself and put it on God. Spending time in His presence will encourage and build you up. It will help you to start seeing things out of his perspective and with Him literally nothing is impossible. When you go on a date with a significant other you would want them to feel special, right. That is the same with God, make Him feel special. I put a little list together with some wonderful worship songs on the bottom of this blog.

Make sure when you do that to put your focus on Him and not your day that is ahead.

Next week we want to talk about a few more things that your date with Him can involve.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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