Love your neighbor Part 8 Don’t limit yourself

Love your neighbor Part 8In this blog series we want to show you that it is actually really easy to make an impact where you live. We hope you start to see that more by reading this series!

Many times we heard people say why they can’t reach out to their neighbors. Reasons like I am an introvert, I have not enough space, I don’t have time. But with that we are limiting ourselves and God. Let me explain: If you are an introvert, you can say I am an introvert and don’t connect with others. Or you can be an introvert and connect with others in a way that works for you. As an example set the time and just invite one or two people at a time. If you do that, it will help you not to be overwhelmed but still gives you interaction with your neighbors.

So each of the areas where you say you can’t do it, will set a limit to what you can do. But if you spend time with God and ask Him what you can handle you can actually change that. In Matthew 11.30 it talks about how God would never give us more then we can handle. So since he called us to love our neighbor He also gave us ways to do that!

  1. Think and pray about in which areas you set limitations to yourself.
  2. Ask God how you can start seeing those areas in a realistic way.

When you do that it will open up many possibilities.

Hey our friend

We hope your week was fantastic!! We are back to normal life here in San Francisco after the weeks of working on the book and beeing at the YWAM Retreat. Times like that help to get new perspective and forward thinking. We want to encourage you to take times like that in your life. Times where you just focus on something different, so you can get even more passion for the everyday things.

Remember this week that Father God has a great plan for you.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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