What influences our new friends Week 9

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. Our week was a week of training. Last Saturday we had a finance class for our missionary coworkers. We taught on how to make and live by a budget and save money on everyday purchases and some other topics. After that we had some great quality time with everyone. We also showed our summer interns around the neighborhood and talked to them about the work they are going to do over the summer. All in all it was a really good week. Please keep our friends in the neighborhood in prayer since 2 of them are dealing with severe sickness, one of them with cancer. Also keep praying for Gods guidance in everyday decisions.

What influences your new friends Week 9

When you look at our society today and how it gets influenced you will notice that the media and books have a big role in that. So it is really important to look at this area together with your new friends. When you watch a movie together you will have the opportunity to talk and discuss about it. There are many great movies out there that have a message of hope in them. And when you look at Jesus and his ministry you will notice that he often used Parables or stories to get his point across. Movies are the modern day story tellers. Of course not all of them are good movies to watch with your new friends, that’s why you have to pick one out beforehand.  Movies often open up a great conversation with your new friends and they will often open up the opportunity to connect it with your faith in Jesus. As an example, the last Superman movie had a conversation about why the world needs a savior. What a great opportunity to talk about Jesus. Also another way to go deeper is by reading a book together. Don’t pick a deep theological book but more of a story that gets people thinking. Something like a new York bestseller, which people recognize and have heard about before, like “The Shack”. It will also bring great discussions and opens up a door for a deeper talk. But again the same rule applies as with the movies; make sure you read the book beforehand.

So while still preparing look for some inspirational movies and books to get started.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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