How can Jesus shine through you? Part 4 Love

So how were you able to be generous last week? Im sure God gave you opportunities for it! You can be sure that you changed something in this world!!

How can Jesus shine through you Part 4 LoveOne of the key things during the story of the prodigal son is love. The father choose to love his son and it cost him a lot. Love is not a fluffy feeling, it is a choice. When you look at the definition in 1. Corinthians 13 you find out that love is a lot of action and again its not out of being deserved, its out of love. And that father showed so much love. He gave up his honor, his money, some of his status and many more things just because he loved his son so much. When he finally came home he showed his love in an action by running up to him and ending up in a big hug and again it was undeserved. Jesus did the same thing during his life. He even said that the greatest love is to lay down our lives for a friend and he did that. But not just that, he showed love to prostitutes, tax collectors and many others. He even showed love to a dead man (Lazarus) by bringing him back to life. He never choose his action by the response of people or if its deserved, no he choose it always by the meaning of love. I don’t know if you have seen the movie wonder woman, but in one of the scenes the evil one tells her about all the bad things humans did and why they deserve to die. Her response to that was Its not about what they deserve, its about what I believe and I believe in love! That is the gospel in action and love is the gospel in action.

So again how can we apply this to our daily life. Loving someone always cost us something. So showing love to someone that deserves it is easy, but we need to show love to someone that does in our eyes not deserve it. So maybe share a loving word or do something nice for somebody at work or in your neighborhood that is not considered a nice person. Love on people that might not have the same opinion then you do and might not replicate it. Loving someone unlovable or undeserved  is hard, but when you do it changes them and you and you get to experience more of the love of God for yourself.

Hey our friend

Its already February. The year goes by fast! We had a wonderful brunch again and a great Haeusser hangout. It so great to see how more and more community exists. Its also great to see how people start seeing the need for community more and more. Please keep prainyg with us for here and other places that people are inspired to create community and love on the people around them. It will benefit everyone. Lets change this world by loving our neighbor and with that doing what Jesus called us to do!

Remember this week “Its not about what they deserve, its about what I believe and I believe in love!” So lets let God love his children through us!!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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