A word of Revelation for 2018

…To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. Revelation 21.6 (NIV)

a word of revelation for 2018Do you remember that feeling: You get an email for a free product and you get excited about it. But then you start reading the fine print and the free product ends up being not so free anymore and the initial excitement is gone.

But in the verse for the year 2018 God gives us a total free promise. He promises us water from the spring of life. It’s the water Jesus talked about to the lady at the well. The water that when you drink it will never let you go thirsty again. So that is actually a great free offer! Also the thing with His promises is that He keeps them!

So when you go into this new year take Him up on His offer. Let him fill you with living water which comes along with all the good things Father God has! Let 2018 be the year where we always run to the right well for water, the one that will always sustain us.

 Hey our friend

20171226_133638First of all Happy New Year!! We hope you had a wonderful celebration with friends and family!! The San Francisco firework and our celebration was really fun! We are excited for this new year and the things God will do! Its every year exciting to see what happens. Be excited for the year and the things you can experience together with Father God!

May God bless you richly!!

Markus and Jen

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